Кольцо Cолнечный цветок

Masterclass: Кольцо Cолнечный цветок

We present a master class of ring "Solar flower".

You will need:

- CrystalArt beads 2336/136MX;
- CrystalArt beads 11331/020ABC,6MM;
- Preciosa Ornela beads 18131;
- basis for a ring;
- monothread;
- beading needle.

Work processing:

Fix a working thread on the center of a basis for a ring. String one CrystalArt bead and one Preciosa bead on it and pass a needle through the bead in the opposite direction, fixed it on a basis for a ring.

Take out a needle in an extreme row of basis openings. Sew the row of beads with square stitch according to the pattern, repeating a rapport circle-wise. Close the row.

Stitch the following row of crystal beads and Preciosa Ornela beads according to the pattern.

Reliably fix a working thread and cut it off.

The gentle and solar ringlet is ready! Wear with pleasure!

Address: Free of charge

Telephone: Free of charge
