Masterclass: Браслет с цветочками
Create a bangle by means of CrystalArt beads by hands.
We present you a master class of stylish and womanly ornament.
You will need:
- CrystalArt beads 12017/043C, 6MM;
- CrystalArt beads 11300/001C, 4MM;
- Preciosa Ornela beads No. 59135;
- monothread;
- beading needle.
Work processing:
1. Take a working thread of suitable length, string 4 beads and close them in a ring.
2. String 1 crystal, 1 bead, 1 crystal and pass the thread through the 2nd bead (crystal) of the 1st row. String 1 square bead, 1 bead (Preciosa Ornela), 1 square bead and pass the thread through the 4th bead (Preciosa Ornela) of the 1st pattern. If it is necessary grow a working thread. Weave a plait of desirable length and connect its ends.
The charming bangle will decorate the ladies' handle!
Address: Free of charge
Telephone: Free of charge