







Found 533 items of 5332

72-76918 Набір для вишивання хрестом «Learn a Craft Be You, Do You DIMENSIONS з п'ялцями

72-76918 Набір для вишивання хрестом «Learn a Craft Be You, Do You DIMENSIONS з п'ялцями

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch
 70-353488 Set for cross-stitching Baby DIMENSIONS

70-353488 Set for cross-stitching Baby DIMENSIONS

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
71-06255 Counted cross stitch kit DIMENSIONS "Out to Dry"

71-06255 Counted cross stitch kit DIMENSIONS "Out to Dry"

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch


Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch
65045 Counted cross stitch kit DIMENSIONS "Wedding metric"

65045 Counted cross stitch kit DIMENSIONS "Wedding metric"

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch
70-65218 Counted cross stitch kit DIMENSIONS "Magic unicorn"

70-65218 Counted cross stitch kit DIMENSIONS "Magic unicorn"

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch
70-08991 Набор для вышивания крестом Nordic Winter "Северная зима" Dimensions

70-08991 Набор для вышивания крестом Nordic Winter "Северная зима" Dimensions

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch
35139 Cross stitch kit Mother's Joy, 30*30cm, DIMENSIONS

35139 Cross stitch kit Mother's Joy, 30*30cm, DIMENSIONS

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch
08124 Набор для вышивания крестом DIMENSIONS Sequined Santa. Stocking "Санта в блестках. Чулок"

08124 Набор для вышивания крестом DIMENSIONS Sequined Santa. Stocking "Санта в блестках. Чулок"

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: felt
07210 Набор для вышивания крестом DIMENSIONS

07210 Набор для вышивания крестом DIMENSIONS

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
 70-08998 Winter Farm Cross Stitch Kit DIMENSIONS

70-08998 Winter Farm Cross Stitch Kit DIMENSIONS

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch
 70-09601 Woodland Stack Cross Stitch Kit DIMENSIONS

70-09601 Woodland Stack Cross Stitch Kit DIMENSIONS

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch
70-09602 Cross stitch kit "Skating" DIMENSIONS

70-09602 Cross stitch kit "Skating" DIMENSIONS

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch
70-353468 DIMENSIONS To the Moon Cross Stitch Kit To the Moon

70-353468 DIMENSIONS To the Moon Cross Stitch Kit To the Moon

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch
70-35413 Cross stitch kit Beyoutiful Beautiful Dimensions

70-35413 Cross stitch kit Beyoutiful Beautiful Dimensions

Aspect: Sets for embroidery
Technique: cross stitch